Git basics pt1

Git basics pt1


2 min read

Hey guys, This is me writing my first blog. Wish me good luck ✨


Git is a version control system to keep track of changes to files and projects over time. So, Git and GitHub are different here is what GitHub is.


Github is a website that hosts Git repositories(folders that contain intentional snapshots of progress called commit ) online, making it easier for developers to share codes. GitHub is for storing, tracking and collaborating on software projects

To start with it you should first download Git

  • git init: This is the first step in creating a repository, this command turns the directory into an empty Git repository.

  • git add: This command adds files into the staging area of Gits before the file is available to commit to a repository, the file needs to be added to the stage area. Different ways to use git add :

    #for all files
    git add .
    #for a specific file
    git add index.html
  • git commit: Records the changes made to the file to a local repository and you should include a message with each commit explaining the changes made in a commit.

    #m for message
    git commit -m 'added index page'
  • git status: This command is used to display the states of the repository and staging area. It allows us to see tracked and untracked files and changes.

stay tuned for part2

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